Saturday, November 27, 2010


What is theology, but for man's comfort? An antidote purposed for the implementation of morality or emotional stability? In our desire to know the God of the universe, it is inevitable that we conform Him to our liking. We try to fit the infinite being God is into our own box of consolation. Sooner of later that box of comfort is subject to affliction and then blown up with a new posed thought or idea. This process then repeats itself again and again. We can't fit God into a box.

Aside from this question, I adamantly profess ones theology of God is important to refine. That is, in the approach of an informative biblical matter. Even though we lack the capacity to fully understand the way God works, it is important to keep an open mind with critical and good judgement. We may be right or wrong in our comprehension of God's character; understand that and be okay with it. Perhaps, we were never meant to grasp the full knowledge of the omnipotent being God was, is, and will always be. Doesn't mean we shouldn't make the attempt.


  1. You had me saying, "hmm" out loud. Great insight!

  2. Well Put, I did enjoy your intriguing introductory sentence. It immediately entices the reader to pursue what you are thoughtfully saying.
    Thanks Jon.
