Friday, October 21, 2011


Be Thou my passion Lord my one Desire
Kindle afresh in me Your holy fire
Consume to ashes all plans save Thine own
King of Creation come reign here alone

This verse so beautifully articulates the ardent prayer of my heart. If only we allowed the God of the universe reign in our lives... Nonetheless we settle, finding our solace in mere worldly things. A superfluous life of monotony repressing the extraordinary. We cling to it for its accessibility and familiarity. It is there we are comfortable. God is our COMFORT. That is one of His incessant promises throughout His word (Jeremiah 8:18, Psalm 23, Isaiah 51, 2 Corinthians 1:3, etc.). Therefore, let Him reign that our lives be transformed; that we may be used to our full potential of the intentions of our Designer. We have the contingency to take part in the commission He is accomplishing here on earth! We are much to easily satisfied.

Thine be the glory forever amen.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


My mind, heart and soul have been inspired and challenged. This spiritual awakening has been rendered in the life story of Kisses From Katie. I encourage anyone to read this 21 year old girls amazing story which is only made possible through the grace of God and a willing heart. It is a visible reminder of the incredible sustenance God has for his children. All it takes is a simple answer, yes.

Thanks Katie. Blessings.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Seeking Rest

A downward spiral of worries infects my sanity
Lifting my feet of the ground yet restrained by gravity
I stroll along...

One step after the other traction dissipates
Ambition carries me further surrendered in fate
Where to go...
Where to turn...
I'm lost.

Weary and burdened I come.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 28:11