Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jealousy & Selfish Ambition

There is nothing quit enjoyable as living amidst the Lord's benediction. Though in this place, we inherently neglect to acknowledge the myriad of blessings God has so graciously surrounded us with. Contemptuously, lost in jealousy and selfish ambition. This leads only to a life filled with destruction and chaos. (James 3:15-16) Why is it contentment is so difficult to maintain? God has appointed each of us for a specific innate purpose in accomplishing His dominion. This is easy to lose sight of. It is pertinent that we establish a perpetual reminder; we all carry our individual role, ordained by God, as contributory to His dominion. May we find our complete contentment in God and His benediction... that He may be glorified to the fullest.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Uncle Jon

Throughout life we inherit labels that gradually define our unique individual person. These labels consist of: Christian, Muslim, teacher, architect, son, daughter, mother, father... the list is endless. Of recently, I have possessed the privilege of adorning my self with a new label, Uncle. This of which I am pleased to bear. I look forward to his growth and having part in spoiling him rotten. He is just adorable. Grant Marvin Lasley.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Though I am not a fan of the term, I feel it to be the appropriate diagnosis for my mental state. I told myself I would not capitulate to this life of apathy. Yet, here I am, bound to its forceful grip.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A gift of Significance

Open Arms - Russian translation

Сколько слез, сколько бед ты в жизни перенес.
Боль и страх держишь ты в хрупком сердце своем.
Ты сломан, разбит, спрятаться хочешь от всех.

Есть любовь, что может скрыть тебя в объятиях своих.
Бог Отец зовет тебя к себе, чтоб твое сердце исцелить.
Приди и пей, ты не будешь жаждать вновь.

Брошен ты, сирота, в сердце пустота.
В темноте одинок ждешь, когда найдут тебя.
Ты сломан, разбит, спрятаться хочешь от всех.

В Боге ты найдешь покой, в Его любви найдешь ты милость и мир.

Translated by, Olya Velichko & Marina Padiy - Thank you